Saturday, February 5, 2011

Researchers Link Diabetes With Chemicals

ByJack MendozaArticle Word Count: 411[View Summary]Comments (0)

It's a fact that being obese contributes to diabetes in adult life. Now a team selected by the National Toxicology Program says that the disease is also associated with chemicals.

Chemicals that are used to preserve, add taste, and do many to a food can do damage to our health. Such chemicals like arsenic, monosodium glutamate (MSG), dioxin, cadmium, aloxan, benzene, corticosteroids, and bisphenol A (BPA) leads to diabetes later in life. These substances are mixed with our food. Junk food is advertised on TV commercials so that the manufacturer earns money by selling them. Some commercials even refer to this as good food since they are less in fat and sugar contents. The truth is that all junk foods are evil because it includes toxic chemicals which may do harm to our health.

Arsenic is normally used in chickens to grow it bigger than usual. When the arsenic builds up in the human system, it may bring about disease like prostate cancer, neurological, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and immune system defect. Current finding links it with diabetes mellitus. Research conducted on Taiwan, Bangladesh and Sweden supports this report.

MSG can be found on the food we eat every day since it is generally used by the people to make the food will become umami or savory in taste. MSG can cause diabetes as pancreas has glutamate in them. Indirectly MSG is added by means of food to the pancreas. This will cause the pancreas to produce a large sum of insulin.

Dioxin is present in pesticides, plastics, solvents, detergents and cosmetics. Dioxin is associated with numerous health problems that also incorporate diabetes.

Cadmiun is used a packaging material for processed food. The processed food may contain cadmium since it is exposed to the substance. Cadmium is linked with impaired fasting glucose.

Aloxan is use to whiten flour. The relationship of aloxan is known for years, it produces several bad effects in the body of diabetics. Innocent looking bread may look tasty and delicious but these could pose some problems for diabetics as it raises the glucose level.

Benzene is mostly found in carbonated products like soft drink. Benzene is one of causes of diabetes. Diet sodas are not safe for diabetics even though they are low in sugar, they still have the substance benzene.

Corticosteroids reduce the insulin sensitivity.

Bisphenol A is generally used in plastic which protects food from spoilage. It promotes insulin resistance and also disrupts the pancreatic cell function.

Back on 2008, I am announced as one of the many diabetics. In my quest to know how to fight diabetes, I started "Diabetics info", a blog that is pact with diabetes fact, research, personal experience and many more.

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Article Submitted On: January 26, 2011

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