Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Omega 3 Fish Oil - Pre Diabetes And The Diabetic Undershirt

Pre diabetes is a health state that is considered a possible precursor to type 2 diabetes. It is likely that it will be only a matter of time before pre diabetes is treated as a disease. People are looking for ways to decrease the effects of pre diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is a small vessel disease. The increased circulating blood sugar seems to "poison" the linings of small blood vessels. These blood vessel's linings thicken and make it more difficult for nutrients to cross from the blood stream into the surrounding tissues. As a result, tissues such as the eyes, heart and kidneys undergo pathological changes.

One of these changes occurs in the feet. The small vessel changes of high blood sugar levels cause the nerves throughout the body to lose function. In the feet, the nerves help monitor small changes in pressure and other potential injuries to the tissues in the feet. Because the feet are constantly impacting the ground, it is possible that the feet may not be able to detect serious injuries before it is too late. As a result, people with diabetes are at risk for injury and even amputation of the limb if the injury is severe enough. In addition, people with diabetes have a more difficult time healing.

A company was recently touted as having a sensor that could be worn as an undershirt. Attached to the shirt is a sensor that records the accumulative effects of the day's activities. The thought is that by monitoring the forces produced during the day's exercise and normal activities, the individual would be able to determine when repetitive forces reached a threshold where they put the feet at risk for breakdown of the skin.

Once the skin breaks down in a person with diabetes, there is the distinct possibility that the break in the skin will not seal over. Any ulcer may become more difficult to heal and in many cases impossible to heal. Therefore, the sensing device could alert the patient to increased risk for skin breakdown.

The device is manufactured by a company called Sensics. To date, the device is only available for health professionals who are in charge of caring for people with diabetes. Stay tuned.

What is interesting is that technology is being used to detect another threshold with respect to type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is the number one cause of amputations in the United States.

Many people are not able to alter their diet or exercise level to the degree that will significantly impact on their risk for developing type 2 diabetes. As a result many people have turned to supplements to give themselves an edge in the Sugar War that is all around us.

Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to reduse the risk for people with pre diabetes progressing to type 2 diabetes. Omega 3 fish oil is known for its positive effects on a variety of health conditions including pre diabetes.

omega 3 fish oil

You need to use the freshest and purest omega 3 fish oil sources. New Zealand is known for the best omega 3 fish oil. Find out what steps New Zealand takes to bring you the best omega 3 fish oil. All you have to do is click on the link and find out more.

Don't wait to fight type 2 diabetes. It's not waiting to fight you. Protect yourself.

Try omega 3 now

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Urban_M.D.

Robert Urban M.D. - EzineArticles Expert Author

View the original article here

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