Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Type 2 Diabetes - Reversing Diabetes!

Tired of taking your anti-diabetic medication? Do you feel you have more than enough of those painful, stinging, sometimes emotionally scarring insulin injections? Do you want to free yourself from the never-ending cycle of taking your meds, having low blood sugar levels and then needing to eat candy to raise it again? Hey cheer up! Type 2 diabetes is not a disease you need to live with all through the days of your life. Do you know there is still a way of controlling, and sometimes even reversing your Type 2 diabetes?

Are you ready to start your battle with Type 2 diabetes? Do you want to get to the heart of the problem and get rid of it once and for all?

The real cornerstone of treatment for Type 2 diabetes is lifestyle modification: Without this essential anti-diabetic step, your plans for reversing your health condition will mostly likely be a failure.

Type 2 diabetes has been a fast-rising global problem... not because of some deadly virus or another pathogenic organism, but because of the fast-changing lifestyle trend throughout many countries. Long, long ago, when there were:

no fast carry-out foodno pre-packaged processed foods, andno sweet carbonated drinkswhen cars and wheels were still considered a luxury for the rich, Type 2 diabetes was almost an unknown health problem.

But when people started:
paying the cashier for fast carry-out foodwhen buying a refreshing drink became a breeze with the clink of a coin in a drink machine, andwhen chairs became too comfortable and exercise became just a memorythe body weight and blood sugar of many people started to increase as well.

So, how do you reverse diabetes?

1. Strip off those extra pounds: As mentioned in an article published by Clinical Diabetes in July 2007, many clinical studies point to excess body weight as one of the most obvious culprits for the development of Type 2 diabetes. And diabetes complications: hypertension and increased blood cholesterol, predispose a diabetic to the early development of cardiovascular problems.

In fact, it has been shown that people who have a BMI of 35 and over, have a twenty-fold increase in the development of Type 2 diabetes compared to their thinner counterparts. Even if your BMI is above the normal range then you are at greater risk for developing Type 2 diabetes. Many studies have shown that getting rid of the extra weight especially around your abdominal area, can literally cut both your blood pressure reading and your spiking blood sugar levels.

2. Modify your diet: You cannot depend on your anti-diabetic medications to control your blood sugar while you eat all those unhealthy foods. Your oral medications and even your insulin injection are not miracle cures! Yes, they are very effective in controlling your actual blood sugar score but they can never cure your diabetes. Many clinical trials have shown that a diet rich in fiber such as whole grains, vegetables and fruits can effectively cut and control your blood sugar levels. In fact, in a study published by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in September 2003, it was shown the increased consumption of all-natural plant foods has a significant effect against the development of cardiovascular diseases, renal failure and other health risks brought about by uncontrolled Type 2.

3. Get up and exercise!: Do you know that most "couch" potatoes are obese and most obese people have Type 2 diabetes? According to the article published by Clinical Diabetes in July 2007, increased physical activity is one of the best treatments for lowering your blood sugar. Combining exercise with a healthy diet will greatly increase your chances of controlling and reversing your blood sugar problems.

If you have high blood pressure, retinopathy, foot problems, or are pregnant, check with your doctor before starting an exercise program.

Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle disease. With proper lifestyle modifications, in many cases it is indeed possible to reverse Type 2 diabetes.

To discover answers to question you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, click on this link... Natural Diabetes Treatments

Clicking on this link will help you to learn more about Type 2 Diabetes Solutions... Beverleigh Piepers RN... the Diabetes Detective.

Beverleigh Piepers is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article are complete and active. Copyright (c) 2010 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Article Source:

Beverleigh H Piepers - EzineArticles Expert Author

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